Number of the records: 1  

inhibítory histón deacetylázy

  1. Subject h.inhibítory histón deacetylázy
    Subject h.Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors
    Entry termsinhibítory históndeacetylázy
    inhibítor histón deacetylázy
    HDAC inhibítor
    HDAC inhibítory
    English X referencesHDAC Inhibitor
    Scope note in EnglishCompounds that inhibit HISTONE DEACETYLASES. This class of drugs may influence gene expression by increasing the level of acetylated HISTONES in specific CHROMATIN domains.
    Links (17) - ARTICLES
    (2) - MeSH descriptor
    (1) - CiBaMed
    (2) - BOOKS
    subject heading

    subject heading

Number of the records: 1  

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