Number of the records: 1
A study to identify factors that contributes to the spread of tuberculosis in Mukuru slum
Title A study to identify factors that contributes to the spread of tuberculosis in Mukuru slum Author info Onyango Akinyi Merceline ... [et al.] Title Štúdia identifikujúca faktory, ktoré prispievajú ku rozširovaniu tuberkulózy v slume Mukuru Co-authors Onyango Akinyi Merceline
Fabianová Lenka
Sládečková Veronika
Kniezová Zuzana
Bučko Ladislav 1959-
Horváthová Daria
Šramatá Miriam
Sign. C 2997 Source Journal of health management and public health. - ISSN 1335-1885 . - Vol. 10, no. 3 (2006), s. 19-20 systematics 616-002.54(676.2) * 364.662 MeSH Subject tuberkulóza : etiológia : epidemiológia
oblasti chudoby
faktory rizikové
podmienky sociálne
Headings Geogr. Keňa
Subj. Headings podvýživa Language English Country Slovak Republic Document kind Rozpis článkov z periodík Database ARTICLES article
Number of the records: 1