Number of the records: 1
20th congress of the European Society of Cardiology
Title 20th congress of the European Society of Cardiology Subtitle August 22-26, 1998, Vienna, Austria Title Abstrakty z 20. kongresu Európskej kardiologickej spoločnosti konanej 22.-26. augusta 1998 vo Viedni, Rakúsko Year, No. Vol. 19 Abstract Suppl. (1998) Issue data London : Saunders , 1998. - 14, 741 s. Edition European Heart Journal ; Abstract Suppl., ISSN 0195-668X
Chapters, articles systematics 616.12(061.3)(048.3) MeSH Subject kardiológia : abstrakty
kongresy ako téma : Rakúsko
Language English Country Great Britian Copy count 1, currently available 0, at library only 1 Document kind Nepravé periodiká Database BOOKS book
Call number Location Sublocation Info C 2385 sklad Rovinka - časopisyIn-Library Use Only
Number of the records: 1