Number of the records: 1
proteín MDS1 and EVI1 complex locus
Subject h. proteín MDS1 and EVI1 complex locus Subject h. MDS1 and EVI1 Complex Locus Protein Entry terms proteín MECOM
proteín s motívom zinkového prstu Evi1
proteín 1 asociovaný s myelodysplastickým syndrómom
proteín 1 spojený s myelodysplastickým syndrómom
homológ proteínu ekotropnej vírusovej integrujúcej časti 1Scope note in English A DNA binding protein, transcriptional regulator, and proto-oncogene protein that contains 10 CYS2-HIS2 ZINC FINGERS. It functions as a positive or negative regulator of expression for target genes involved in organism development. subject heading
Number of the records: 1