Number of the records: 1  

príhoda náhla cievna mozgová ischemická

  1. Subject h.príhoda náhla cievna mozgová ischemická
    Subject h.Ischemic Stroke
    Entry termspríhoda náhla cievna mozgová ischemická akútna
    príhoda náhla cievna mozgová kryptogénna
    príhoda náhla cievna mozgová ischemická kryptogénna
    príhoda náhla cievna mozgová, pri prebudení
    mŕtvica mozgová ischemická
    mŕtvica mozgová, pred prebudením
    porážka mozgová ischemická
    CMP ischemická
    CMP ischemická akútna
    CMP ischemická kryptogénna
    English X referencesAcute Ischemic Stroke
    Cryptogenic Embolism Stroke
    Cryptogenic Ischemic Stroke
    Cryptogenic Stroke
    Ischaemic Stroke
    Wake-up Stroke
    Scope note in EnglishStroke due to BRAIN ISCHEMIA resulting in interruption or reduction of blood flow to a part of the brain. When obstruction is due to a BLOOD CLOT formed within in a cerebral blood vessel it is a thrombotic stroke. When obstruction is formed elsewhere and moved to block a cerebral blood vessel (see CEREBRAL EMBOLISM) it is referred to as embolic stroke. Wake-up stroke refers to ischemic stroke occurring during sleep while cryptogenic stroke refers to ischemic stroke of unknown origin.
    See also reference (FX) in Slovak trombóza
    embólia intrakraniálna
    See also reference (FX) in English Thrombosis
    Intracranial Embolism
    Links (99) - ARTICLES
    (2) - MeSH descriptor
    (4) - CiBaMed
    (3) - BOOKS
    subject heading

    subject heading

Number of the records: 1  

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