os mozog-črevá os čreva a mozgu os mozog-črevo-mikrobióm os črevá-mozog-mikrobióm os mikrobióm-mozog-črevo os mikrobióm-črevo-mozog os mikrobiota-mozog-črevo os mikrobiota-črevo-mozog
English X references
Brain and Gut Axis Brain-Gut-Microbiome Axis Gut and Brain Axis Gut-Brain Axis Gut-Brain-Microbiome Axis Microbiome-Brain-Gut Axis Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis Microbiota-Brain-Gut Axis Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis
Scope note in English
An interactive network between the GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT (gut) and the brain principally mediated through the ENTERIC NERVOUS SYSTEM. Control of the gut activities during stress, for instance, is mediated by activation of neuroendocrine hormones (e.g., CORTICOTROPIN-RELEASING FACTOR). Conversely, INTESTINAL MICROBIOTA associate with the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM through the axis via microorganism-derived products (e.g., UROCORTINS). Some functional GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS (e.g., IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME) have dysregulated brain-gut axis.
See also reference (FX) in Slovak
mikrobióm gastrointestinálny
See also reference (FX) in English
Gastrointestinal Microbiome
(1) - MeSH descriptor
(2) - BOOKS
subject heading
Number of the records: 1
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