Number of the records: 1  

MRI myelografia

  1. Subject h.MRI myelografia
    Subject h.Magnetic Resonance Myelography
    Entry termsHT2W-MRM
    MR myelografia
    myelografia magnetická rezonančná
    MRM, silno T2-vážená
    myelografia magnetická rezonančná, silno T2-vážená
    English X referencesHeavily T2-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Myelography
    Heavily T2-Weighted MRM
    MRI Myelography
    MR Myelography
    Scope note in EnglishA modified magnetic resonance imaging method for generating myelogram like images, characterized by high signal intensity of the CEREBROSPINAL FLUID, which permits visualization of spinal subarachnoid spaces and nerve root sheaths.
    subject heading

    subject heading

Number of the records: 1  

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