Number of the records: 1
proteín inhibujúci ATP-ázu
Subject h. proteín inhibujúci ATP-ázu Subject h. ATPase Inhibitory Protein Entry terms epsilon podjednotka, F1-ATP-áza
F(0)F(1)-inhibičný proteín
F1-ATP-áza podjednotka epsilon
podjednotka epsilon F1-ATP-ázy
faktor inhibície 1, ATP-áza
faktor inhibičný 1, ATP-áza
inhibítor Na-K ATP-ázyEnglish X references Epsilon Subunit, F1-ATPase
F(0)F(1)-Inhibitor Protein
F1-ATPase Epsilon Subunit
Inhibitor Factor 1, ATPase
Na-K ATPase InhibitorScope note in English CA(2+) MG(2+)-ATPASE inhibitor found in membranes of mammalian ERYTHROCYTES. subject heading
Number of the records: 1