Number of the records: 1  

proteíny akútnej fázy

  1. Subject h.proteíny akútnej fázy
    Subject h.Acute-Phase Proteins
    Entry termsreaktant akútnej fázy
    reaktanty akútnej fázy
    glykoproteín akútnej fázy
    glykoproteíny akútnej fázy
    proteín akútnej fázy
    English X referencesAcute-Phase Glycoprotein
    Acute Phase Reactant
    Acute-Phase Reactant
    Acute-Phase Reactants
    Proteins, Acute-Phase
    Reactants, Acute-Phase
    Scope note in EnglishProteins that are secreted into the blood in increased or decreased quantities by hepatocytes in response to trauma, inflammation, or disease. These proteins can serve as inhibitors or mediators of the inflammatory processes. Certain acute-phase proteins have been used to diagnose and follow the course of diseases or as tumor markers.
    Links (33) - ARTICLES
    (8) - CiBaMed
    (5) - BOOKS
    subject heading

    subject heading

Number of the records: 1  

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