Number of the records: 1  


  1. Subject h.N-acylneuraminátcytidylyltransferáza
    Subject h.N-Acylneuraminate Cytidylyltransferase
    Entry termsacylneuraminátcytidylyltransferáza
    syntáza kyseliny CMP-N-acetylneuramínovej
    English X referencesAcylneuraminate Cytidylyltransferase
    CMP-N-Acetylneuraminic Acid Synthetase
    CMP Sialate Pyrophosphorylase
    CMP Sialate Synthase
    Scope note in EnglishAn enzyme that forms CMP-acylneuraminic acids, which donate the N-acylneuraminic acid residues to the terminal sugar residue of a ganglioside or glycoprotein. EC
    subject heading

    subject heading

Number of the records: 1  

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