výdavky na zdravotníctvo náklady na zdravotníctvo, priame náklady na zdravotníctvo, nepriame náklady na zdravotníctvo, platené v hotovosti platby v hotovosti
Scope note in English
The amounts spent by individuals, groups, nations, or private or public organizations for total health care and/or its various components. These amounts may or may not be equivalent to the actual costs (HEALTH CARE COSTS) and may or may not be shared among the patient, insurers, and/or employers.
See also reference (FX) in Slovak
náklady na zdravotnú starostlivosť
See also reference (FX) in English
Health Care Costs
(1) - MeSH descriptor
(4) - CiBaMed
(46) - BOOKS
subject heading
Number of the records: 1
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