Number of the records: 1  

choroby okohybného nervu

  1. Subject h.choroby okohybného nervu
    Subject h.Oculomotor Nerve Diseases
    Entry termsparalýza okohybného nervu
    obrna okohybného nervu
    nervus oculomotorius, choroby
    choroby okulomotorického nervu
    choroby III. hlavového nervu
    choroby III. kraniálneho nervu
    obrna tretieho hlavového nervu
    English X referencesCranial Nerve III Diseases
    Third-Nerve Palsy
    Scope note in EnglishDiseases of the oculomotor nerve or nucleus that result in weakness or paralysis of the superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial rectus, inferior oblique, or levator palpebrae muscles, or impaired parasympathetic innervation to the pupil. With a complete oculomotor palsy, the eyelid will be paralyzed, the eye will be in an abducted and inferior position, and the pupil will be markedly dilated. Commonly associated conditions include neoplasms, CRANIOCEREBRAL TRAUMA, ischemia (especially in association with DIABETES MELLITUS), and aneurysmal compression. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p270)
    See also reference (FX) in Slovak oftalmoplégia
    poranenia hlavových nervov
    See also reference (FX) in English Ophthalmoplegia
    Cranial Nerve Injuries
    Links (4) - ARTICLES
    (2) - MeSH descriptor
    subject heading

    subject heading

Number of the records: 1  

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