protilátkou sprostredkovaná encefalitída encefalitída sprostredkovaná protilátkami poruchy nervového systému, imunitné choroby neurologické autoimunitné poruchy nervového systému, autoimunitné encefalitída autoimunitná choroby nervového systému, imunitné ochorenia nervového systému, imunitné poruchy nervového systému, imunitné ochorenia nervového systému, autoimunitné
English X references
Antibody-Mediated Encephalitis Autoimmune Encephalitis Immune Disorders, Nervous System Nervous System Autoimmune Diseases
Scope note in English
Disorders caused by cellular or humoral immune responses primarily directed towards nervous system autoantigens. The immune response may be directed towards specific tissue components (e.g., myelin) and may be limited to the central nervous system (e.g., MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS) or the peripheral nervous system (e.g., GUILLAIN-BARRE SYNDROME).
(18) - CiBaMed
(3) - BOOKS
subject heading
Number of the records: 1
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