Number of the records: 1
proteíny viažuce GTP, monomérne
Subject h. proteíny viažuce GTP, monomérne Subject h. Monomeric GTP-Binding Proteins Entry terms GTP-viažuce proteíny, monomérne
GTP-viažuce proteíny príbuzné s ras
G-proteíny príbuzné ras
GTP-viažuci proteín príbuzný s ras
GTP-áza príbuzná s ras
GTP-ázy príbuzné s ras
GTP-ázy odvodené od ras
G-proteíny monomérne
G-proteín malý
G-proteíny malé
GTP-áza malá
GTP-ázy malé
G-proteín monomérny
G-proteíny monomérneEnglish X references G-Proteins, Monomeric
GTP-Binding Proteins, Monomeric
Monomeric G-Protein
Monomeric G-Proteins
Small G-Protein
Small G-Proteins
Small GTPase
Small GTPases
ras-Related GTP-Binding Protein
ras-Related GTPase
ras-Related GTPasesScope note in English A class of monomeric, low molecular weight (20-25 kDa) GTP-binding proteins that regulate a variety of intracellular processes. The GTP bound form of the protein is active and limited by its inherent GTPase activity, which is controlled by an array of GTPase activators, GDP dissociation inhibitors, and guanine nucleotide exchange factors. This enzyme was formerly listed as EC subject heading
Number of the records: 1