Number of the records: 1
autoinkompatibilita u kvitnúcich rastlín
Subject h. autoinkompatibilita u kvitnúcich rastlín Subject h. Self-Incompatibility in Flowering Plants Entry terms samoinkompatibilita u kvitnúcich rastlín
sterilita u rastlín, samčia cytoplazmatická
inkompatibilita u rastlín, vnútrodruhová
inkompatibilita u rastlín, jadrovo-cytoplazmatickáEnglish X references Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Plants
Intraspecific Incompatibility in Plants
Nuclear-Cytoplasmic Incompatibility in PlantsScope note in English A naturally occurring reproductive phenomenon of FLOWERING PLANTS where self-incompatibility arises due to differences between NUCLEUS, CYTOPLASM, MITOCHONDRIA, or CHLOROPLASTS that occur in gamete cells from separate sources when they are brought together by cross-hybridization or in vitro manipulation. subject heading
Number of the records: 1