Number of the records: 1
Beneficial effect of red wine polyphenols on blood pressure of chronic social stress-exposed hypertensive rats
Title Beneficial effect of red wine polyphenols on blood pressure of chronic social stress-exposed hypertensive rats Author info Iveta Bernatova ... [et al.] Co-authors Bernátová Iveta
Púzserová Angelika
Csizmadiová Zuzana
Andriantsitohaina Ramaroson
Zeman Michal
Note Bibliogr. odkazy Sign. Z 1187 Source Proceedings of genetic and environmental factors in hypertension 2007. - Bratislava : Slovenská akadémia vied , c2007 . - ISBN 978-80-969544-2-1 . - S. 23-28 : ilustr., grafy Language English Country Slovak Republic Document kind Rozpis článkov zo zborníkov Database ARTICLES article
Number of the records: 1