Citácia | Cruse, J.M.-Lewis, R.E. Illustrated dictionary of immunology, 2003 (CIP t.s. (Julius M. Cruse, B.A., D.Med.Sc., M.D., Ph.D., Dr. h.c., F.A.A.M., F.R.S.H., F.R.S.M., prof. patológie, riaditeľ, Immunology and Transplantation Immunology; riaditeľ, Graduate Studies in Pathology, Dept. of Pathology; asoc. prof., lekárstva a asoc. prof. mikrobiológie, Univ. of Mississippi Med. Center, Investigator of the Wilson Research Foundation, Mississippi Methodist Rehab. Center, Jackson, Mississippi) CIP verso t.s. (Cruse, Julius M., 1937-))