Počet záznamov: 1
Ultrasound anatomy
Názov Ultrasound anatomy Časť.dok. 2. Ultrasound image of peripheral nerves and vessels Aut. údaje Ingrid Hodorová ... [et al.] Spoluautori Hodorová Ingrid
Lovásová Květuše 1961-
Vrzgula Marko
Mihalik Jozef
Rybárová Silvia
Hudák Vladimír
Firment Jozef
Korporácia Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika. Lekárska fakulta, Košice, Slovensko
ISBN 978-80-574-0275-6 (brož.) Vydanie Ed. first Vyd.údaje Košice : Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Publishing ŠafárikPress , 2024. - 149 s. : ilustr., fareb., fotogr., 24 cm Edícia University textbook
Poznámky Bibliogr. odkazy Kapitoly, články Systematika 611 * 611.9 * 616‑072‑026.572 * 591.413 * 591.483 MeSH predmet. anatómia topografická
cievy krvné
nervy periférne
končatina dolná
končatina horná
ilustrácie lekárske
Forma, žáner učebnica
Anotácia In the textbook, the reader will become acquainted with the correlation of the anatomical and ultrasound images of the neurovascular structures, muscles, and bones of the above mentioned areas, focusing on topographical anatomy under the physiological condition. This correlation shows a close connection between the Anatomy as a theoretical subject and clinical practice, specifically, with ultrasound examination, which is currently one of the main examination methods established in medical education. The textbook consists of an anatomical part, which is devoted to a basic anatomical description of individual nerves and vessels in the relevant area, supplemented by original photographs of peripheral nerves and vessels on the dissected material. The main part of the textbook is the description and characteristics of ultrasound images. The reader can directly compare the appearance and possible differences of neurovascular structures obtained by two completely different images. Peripheral nerves and vessels of the upper and lower limbs important for ultrasound diagnosis, analgesia and navigated peripheral nerve blockade before surgery or as a treatment of acute and chronic pain are described. Some nerve and vascular structures of the neck are also mapped. The chapters of the textbook are supplemented by illustrated documentation of the position of the probe in the respective examined area of the body and by depicting the course of neurovascular structures. Názov na chrbte Ultrasound anatomy 2 Jazyk dok. angličtina Krajina Slovenská republika Počet ex. 1, z toho voľných 1 Druh dok. Učebnice Báza dát KNIHY Signatúra Lokácia Dislokácia Info U 13233 sklad Rovinka - monografické dokumenty
Počet záznamov: 1