Počet záznamov: 1
TWEAK cytokínový
Heslo TWEAK cytokínový Heslo anglicky Cytokine TWEAK Odkazy Apo3 ligand
TNF-príbuzný slabý induktor apoptózy
TWEAK cytokín
ligandy superrodiny faktorov nádorovej nekrózy, člen 12Vysvetľujúca pozn. v angl. A proteolytically-cleaved membrane glycoprotein and member of the TNF superfamily that is highly expressed in a variety of tissues including heart, pancreas, brain, and peripheral blood lymphocytes. The secreted extracellular form is a weak inducer of APOPTOSIS for some cell types and a ligand for the FN14 RECEPTOR. It mediates activation of NF-KAPPA-B and promotes ANGIOGENESIS and proliferation of ENDOTHELIAL CELLS, as well as expression of cytokines involved in INFLAMMATION. predmetové heslo
Počet záznamov: 1