Počet záznamov: 1
Heslo protokadheríny Heslo anglicky Protocadherins Odkazy PCDH (protokadherín)
Pcdhs klastrované
protokadheríny klastrované
Pcdhs neklastrované
protokadheríny neklastrované
recepty neuronálne, súvisiace s kadherínmiAngl. X odkazy Cadherin-Related Neuronal Receptors
Clustered Pcdhs
Clustered Protocadherins
Non-Clustered Pcdhs
Non-Clustered Protocadherins
ncPcdhsVysvetľujúca pozn. v angl. Members of cadherin superfamily involved in cell adhesion and cell-cell interactions in neural development. They are subdivided into clustered (cPcdhs) and non-clustered protocadherin (ncPcdhs) depending whether their genes are tandemly arranged in vertebrates. predmetové heslo
Počet záznamov: 1