Počet záznamov: 1
Schlemmov kanál
Heslo Schlemmov kanál Heslo anglicky Schlemm's Canal Odkazy sinus venosus sclerae
canalis Schlemmi
sínus skléry, žilový
sínus skléry, venózny
kanál limbu, kruhovýAngl. X odkazy Canal of Schlemm
Circular Channel, Limbis
Schlemm Canal
Scleral Venous Sinus
Sinus Venosus ScleraeVysvetľujúca pozn. v angl. A circular vascular-like structure in the anterior chamber of the eye bounded anterolaterally by the internal scleral sulcus and posteriorly by the trabecular meshwork. It is a part of a pathway where the AQUEOUS HUMOR from the ANTERIOR CHAMBER of the eye passes through the TRABECULAR MESHWORK, drains into the lumen of Schlemm’s canal, and subsequently returns to blood circulation into the veins of the SCLERA. predmetové heslo
Počet záznamov: 1