achondroplázia ťažká, s oneskorením vývinu a s acanthosis nigricans SADDAN dysplázia
Angl. X odkazy
Severe Achondroplasia with Developmental Delay and Acanthosis Nigricans
Vysvetľujúca pozn. v angl.
An autosomal dominant disorder that is the most frequent form of short-limb dwarfism. Affected individuals exhibit short stature caused by rhizomelic shortening of the limbs, characteristic facies with frontal bossing and mid-face hypoplasia, exaggerated lumbar lordosis, limitation of elbow extension, GENU VARUM, and trident hand. (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man,, MIM#100800, April 20, 2001)
Pozri aj (FX) v slov.
receptor fibroblastového rastového faktora, typ 3
Pozri aj (FX) v angl.
Receptor, Fibroblast Growth Factor, Type 3
(13) - ČLÁNKY
(1) - heslo MeSH
(1) - CiBaMed
(3) - KNIHY
predmetové heslo
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