Výsledky vyhľadávania
- Genetics of developmental dysplasia of the hip / Harsanyi S., Zamborsky R., Kokavec M. et al. . European Journal of Medical Genetics . - 2020 Sep;63(9):103990 [Dokument nie je vo fonde knižnice]
- Newly synthesized thymol derivative and its effect on colorectal cancer cells / Blazickova M. ... [et al.] . Molecules . - 2022 May; 27(9): 2622 [Dokument nie je vo fonde knižnice]
- Disulfiram overcomes cisplatin resistance in human embryonal carcinoma cells / Schmidtova S. ... [et al.] . Cancers (Basel) . - 2019 Aug 22;11(9):1224 [Dokument nie je vo fonde knižnice]
- Experience With Preventive Genetic Testing of Corneal Donors in Slovakia / Mitrová E. ... [et al.] . Cornea . - April 2011, 30(9):987-90 [Dokument nie je vo fonde knižnice]
- Comparison of Restenosis Risk in Single-Layer versus Dual-Layer Carotid Stents: A Duplex Ultrasound Evaluation / Sýkora J., Zeleňák K., Vorčák M. et al. . Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol . - 2022 Sep;45(9):1257-126 [Dokument nie je vo fonde knižnice]
- Metabolic indices as markers of insulin resistance in gravidity—a pilot study / Brenišin M. et al. . Clin. Chem. Labor. Med. . - 2021, 59 (9), pp. eA80—eA81. [Dokument nie je vo fonde knižnice]
- Platelet mitochondrial respiration and coenzyme Q10 could be used as new diagnostic strategy for mitochondrial dysfunction in rheumatoid diseases / Gvozdjáková A. ... [et al.] . PloS one . - 2021; 16(9): e0256135 [Dokument nie je vo fonde knižnice]
- Different signalling in infarcted and non‐infarcted areas of rat failing hearts: A role of necroptosis and inflammation / Lichý M., Szobi A. et al. . Journal of cellular and molecular medicine . - 2019 Sep; 23(9): 6429–6441 [Dokument nie je vo fonde knižnice]
- Cardioprotection of ischaemic preconditioning is associated with inhibition of translocation of MLKL within the plasma membrane / Szobi A., Farkašová-Ledvényiová V., Lichý M. et al. . Journal of cellular and molecular medicine . - 2018 Sep; 22(9): 4183–4196 [Dokument nie je vo fonde knižnice]
- Time-related metabolomics study in the rat plasma after global cerebral ischemia and reperfusion: Effect of ischemic preconditioning / Baranovicova E. ... [et al.] . IUBMB life . - 2020 Sep;72(9):2010-2023 [Dokument nie je vo fonde knižnice]