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Modelovanie teplotných polí
Title Modelovanie teplotných polí / Michal Boleček ; školiteľ: Dušan Brozman Author-s Boleček, Michal (Author)
Brozman, Dušan, ; SPUTFA08 (Thesis advisor)Corporation Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita (Nitra, Slovensko). Technická fakulta. Katedra fyziky Published [S.l. : s.n.], 2011 Description 63 s. : grafy, obr., tab. ; 30 cm Notes Bibliografia s. 59-62 . Res. slov., angl . Diplomová práca (Ing.). - Katedra fyziky TF SPU v Nitre Subject-s liahne kurčiat regulácia teploty vykurovanie ANSYS metóda konečných prvkov simulačné programy počítačové modelovanie diplomové práce Annotation Autorský abstrakt: V diplomovej práci sme sa zaoberali problematikou, ktorá je v súčasnosti veľmi populárna. Ide o techniku počítačového modelovania. Technika počítačového modelovania umožňuje nakresliť a následne simulovať rozličné javy pomocou výpočtovej techniky. V práci sú popísané najznámejšie techniky modelovania. Pre modelovanie nášho problému sme si vybrali jednu z najpoužívanejších metód. Je to metóda konečných prvkov. Pre modelovanie zadanej praktickej časti sme si vybrali program ANSYS.V práci sme simulovali teplotu v liahni pre kurčatá. Bol to typ liahni s prirodzeným prúdením vzduchu. Jej kostra bola skonštruovaná zo sadrokartónu. Na vnútornej aj vonkajšej strane sadrokartónu bol pripevnený polystyrén. V práci sme zisťovali optimálnu teplotu banky žiarovky, ktorá bola simuláciou zistená na hodnotu 180°C. V modeli boli umiestnené dva snímače. Pomocou týchto dvoch snímačov sme merali teplotu na spodnej aj hornej hrane vajca. Teplota na spodnej strane vajca bola 34,8°C a na hornej strane bola 38,5°C. Namerané teploty sa zhodujú s teplotami doporučovanými z praxe. Ako poslednú vec sme sledovali prestup tepla cez konštrukčné materiály. Tu sme v podstate overili fakt, ktorý je daný jednotlivými fyzikálnymi vlastnosťami materiálov. Polystyrén, ktorý je lepší tepelný izolant, bránil úniku tepla lepšie ako sadrokartón. Z tohto vyplynulo, že na konštrukciu liahne by stačil samotný polystyrén, alebo polyesterové dosky, ktoré majú vyššiu pevnosť a sadrokartón by sa mohol vynechať. Autorský abstrakt: In diploma composition we concern the themes, which are very popular nowadays. It is theme about computer modeling. Technology of computer modeling affords opportunity to simulate different phenomenons, subjects and objects in computer. To create a model we can use two methods. Older method of creating model is called lining model. In diploma composition we used more modern method called volume modeling. We tried to design the model to represent examined object exactly. In composing of model we considered all essential properties.In work we described all most popular technics of modeling. There are mikroskopic and makroskopic technics of modeling. We handeled mostly with makroskopic technics, which are necessary for computer simulation. Makroskopic technics are devided into classic makroskopic technics and modern numeric technics. By solving our problem we used one of the most modern numeric technics which is FEM.We chose FEM because it is considered as one of the most effective numeric method to solve problems of mathematical Physic. Classical methods are suitable to solve easier cases. To solve more difficult systems, as was our system, is suitable to use FEM. It can solve problems, which are described by large amount of differential equations, as in our case. The essence of this method is to divide examined object into definite amount of small elements. The behavior of single element is described by formulation alegebraic equations. The result of these equations were values for single junction points of model. Connecting these junctions togethere we got last simulation of our problem.To the computer simulation we chose one of the most universal and modern program for calculation FEM. It is program system ANSYS. It was the best for simulation of our case. We simulated heating of artificial incubator for chicken. In this simulation we detected optimal temperature of heating element – halogen lamp. Then we monitored distribution of the temperature in incubator and behavior of materials, polystyrene and plaster board, which it was constructed of.After successful drawing of incubator´s model we started the simulation. We detected experimentally optimal temperature of heating element, which was 180°C. In the following step we detected that consolidation of model was after 42 hours and 30 minutes. We used two sensors in our model. First one was 35 mm from the bottom of incubator and the second one was 80 miliimeters over the first. Measured value of temperature on these sensors was optimal. The temperature on inferior sensor was 34,8°C and on superior sensor was 38,5°C. The last thing we detected was effectivity of used materials which prevented escaping the heat. From the appropriate graph was evident that plastic board, which was used as skelet of incubator, had poor isolating properties. Because of this the plastic board could be skip in skeleton. Polystyrene, which is attached to inner and outer side of plastic board, is as isolating material adequate. Country Slovakia Language Slovak Copies 1, available for regular loan 0, in-library use only 1 Database Graduate theses book
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