Title | Regulators of ovarian function : chapter I / Alexander V. Sirotkin, Alexander V. Makarevich, Roland Grossmann, Jan Kotwica, Hans-Jorg Schaeffer, Pierre-Guy Marnet, Hyuk Kwon, Pavol Sanislo, Iveta Florkovičová, Juraj Petrák, Ján Rafay, Juraj Pivko, Ladislav Hetényi
Author-s | Sirotkin, Alexander, (Author)
| Makarevič, Alexander V. (Author)
| Grossmann, Roland (Author)
| Marnet, Pierre-Guy (Author)
| Kwon, H. B. (Author)
| Sanisló, Pavel (Author)
| Florkovičová, Iveta (Author)
| Petrák, Juraj, ; SPUFAP14 (Author)
| Rafay, Ján, (Author)
| Pivko, Juraj, ; SPUFAP13 (Author)
| Hetényi, Ladislav, (Author)
Description | 7 obr.
Notes | Bibliogr. odkazy
In | Regulation and evaluation of ovarian function and embryogenesis in normal and transgenic animals in vitro and in vivo. -- Nitra : Výskumný ústav živočíšnej výroby, 2003. -- ISBN 80-88872-33-2. -- S. 9-25
Category of Publication Activity | ABD
Keywords | manipulácie génové * genetika zvierat * zvieratá hospodárske * reprodukcia zvierat * biológia reprodukčná * orgány pohlavné * vaječníky
Country | Slovakia
Language | English
Database | Agro-bibliography