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Analýza výživy dojníc v PD Mojmírovce - Poľný Kesov

  1. TitleAnalýza výživy dojníc v PD Mojmírovce - Poľný Kesov [elektronický zdroj] = [Analysis of Dairy Nutrition in Agricultural Cooperative Mojmírovce – Poľný Kesov] / Mária Kapusniaková ; vedúci záverečnej práce Milan Šimko
    Author-s Kapusniaková, Mária, ; SPUFAP33 (Author)
    Šimko, Milan, ; SPUFAP33 (Thesis advisor)
    Corporation Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita (Nitra, Slovensko). Fakulta agrobiológie a potravinových zdrojov. Ústav výživy a genomiky
    Description1 online zdroj (104 s.) : ilustr., príl., tab.
    NotesNázov z titulnej obrazovky (stav zo dňa 28.02.2023). Súbežný názov prevzatý z databázy uis SPU . Bibliografia s. 86-97 . Spôsob prístupu: World Wide Web . Resumé anglicky, slovensky . Diplomová práca (Ing.). - Ústav výživy a genomiky FAPZ SPU v Nitre
    Subject-s diplomové práce elektronické vysokoškolské kvalifikačné práce
    AnnotationAutorský abstrakt: Cieľom diplomovej práce bolo na základe štúdia literatúry zozbierať a spracovať dôležité poznatky, týkajúce sa výživy i mliekovej produkcie dojníc a následne zhodnotenie mliekovej úžitkovosti na poľnohospodárskom družstve Mojmírovce – Poľný Kesov z hľadiska skrmovanej kŕmnej dávky. V prvej časti sme sa zaoberali charakterizovaním holštajnského dobytka, ktorý sa považuje za najproduktívnejšie plemeno z hľadiska mliekovej produkcie. Ďalej sme sa zaoberali výživou dojníc, rozdelením jednotlivých fáz – kŕmenie dojníc v období laktácie, kde sa zahŕňa fáza A – rozdoj, fáza B – stála produkcia mlieka a fáza C – koniec laktácie. Ďalej sa rozlišuje i obdobie státia na sucho tzv. fáza D. Tiež sme sa venovali charakteristike krmív, základ tvoria objemové krmivá ako kukuričná či lucernová siláž, ďalej sme tiež opísali jadrové i minerálne krmivá a kompletnú zmiešanú kŕmnu dávku. V diplomovej práci sa venujeme i poskytovaniu základných informácií o potrebe živín pre prežúvavce. Časť práce je venovaná mliekovej úžitkovosti, kde sa charakterizuje mliečna žľaza, sekrécia – ejekcia, laktácia, tiež pojmy ako mledzivo i mlieko a taktiež činitele vplývajúce na uvedenú mliekovú úžitkovosť. V druhej časti diplomovej práci sme hodnotili a porovnávali mliekovú produkciu za roky 2019 a 2020 na základe zostavených kŕmnych dávok. Rok 2019 a skrmovaná kŕmna dávka nespĺňala požiadavky, aby bola výživa rozdelená podľa fázového spôsobu dojníc, čo malo negatívny vplyv na produkciu mlieka. Priemerná produkcia mlieka bola 21,11 litra na dojnicu, čo je menej v porovnaní s rokom 2020, v ktorom sa skrmovali v jednotlivých fázach laktácie rozdielne kŕmne dávky, vďaka ktorým vzrástla úžitkovosť na 29,24 litra na dojnicu. Taktiež sme jednotlivé údaje o kŕmnych dávkach za rok 2019 a 2020 porovnávali s odporúčaným zastúpením živín pre kompletnú kŕmnu dávku pre dojnice – podľa jednotlivých produkčných cyklov. Kŕmna dávka skrmovaná v roku 2020 umožnila dojniciam prijať požadovanejšie množstvo živín v porovnaní s dávkou v roku 2019, ktorej hodnoty sa značne líšili od hodnôt odporúčaných pre jednotlivé fázy laktácie.
    Author’s abstract: The aim of this work, based on a literature study, was to collect and process important knowledge about nutrition and milk production of dairy cows and subsequent evaluation of milk production at the agricultural cooperative Mojmírovce – Poľný Kesov in terms of feed. In the first part we dealt with characterization of Holstein cattle, which is considered to be the most productive breed in terms of milk production. We also dealt with the nutrition of dairy cows, the division of individual phases – feeding dairy cows during lactation, whitch includes phase A – initiation of milking, phase B – continuous milk production and phase C – end of lactation. There is also a distinctive phrase D - dry phase. We also focused on the characteristics of feeds, the basic ones being bulk feeds such as corn or alfalfa silage, we also described core and mineral feeds and a complete mixed feed ration. In the diploma thesis we also provide basic information about the need of nutrients for ruminants. Part of the work is devoted to milk yield where the mammary gland is characterized, secretion - ejection, lactation, as well as concepts such as colostrum and milk and also the factors affecting the milk yield. In the second part of the diploma thesis, we evaluated and compared milk production for the years 2019 and 2020 on the basis of compiled feed rations. The year 2019 and the fed ration did not meet the requirements that the nutrition be divided according to the phase of dairy cows, which had a negative impact on milk production. The average milk production was around 21,11 liters per dairy cow, which is less than in 2020, in which different feed rations were fed in different stages of lactation, which increased the productivity to 29,24 liters per dairy cow. We also compared the individual feed ration data for 2019 and 2020 with the recommended nutrient content for the complete feed ration for dairy cows - according to individual production cycles. The feed ration fed in 2020 allowed the dairy cows to receive the required amount of nutrients compared to the dose in 2019, the values of which differed significantly from the values recommended for the individual stages of lactation. The aim of this work, based on a literature study, was to collect and process important knowledge about nutrition and milk production of dairy cows and subsequent evaluation of milk production at the agricultural cooperative Mojmírovce – Poľný Kesov in terms of feed. In the first part we dealt with characterization of Holstein cattle, which is considered to be the most productive breed in terms of milk production. We also dealt with the nutrition of dairy cows, the division of individual phases – feeding dairy cows during lactation, whitch includes phase A – initiation of milking, phase B – continuous milk production and phase C – end of lactation. There is also a distinctive phrase D - dry phase. We also focused on the characteristics of feeds, the basic ones being bulk feeds such as corn or alfalfa silage, we also described core and mineral feeds and a complete mixed feed ration. In the diploma thesis we also provide basic information about the need of nutrients for ruminants. Part of the work is devoted to milk yield where the mammary gland is characterized, secretion - ejection, lactation, as well as concepts such as colostrum and milk and also the factors affecting the milk yield. In the second part of the diploma thesis, we evaluated and compared milk production for the years 2019 and 2020 on the basis of compiled feed rations. The year 2019 and the fed ration did not meet the requirements that the nutrition be divided according to the phase of dairy cows, which had a negative impact on milk production. The average milk production was around 21,11 liters per dairy cow, which is less than in 2020, in which different feed rations were fed in different stages of lactation, which increased the productivity to 29,24 liters per dairy cow. We also compared the individual feed ration data for 2019 and 2020 with the recommended nutrient content for the complete feed ration for dairy cows - according to individual production cycles. The feed ration fed in 2020 allowed the dairy cows to receive the required amount of nutrients compared to the dose in 2019, the values of which differed significantly from the values recommended for the individual stages of lactation.
    DatabaseE-resources (online)


    Call numberDislocationCollection in study roomAvailable

Number of the records: 1  

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