Comparative analysis of some threatened species of medicinal plants populations in Slovakia [West Carpathin mts.]
Comparative analysis of some threatened species of medicinal plants populations in Slovakia [West Carpathin mts.] / Tibor Baranec, Pavol Eliáš ml., Peter Štrba, Milan Knoll, Miroslav Habán
Baranec, Tibor, ; SPUFAP02 (Author)
Eliáš, Pavol, ; SPUFAP02 (Author)
Štrba, Peter, (Author)
Knoll, Milan, ; SPUPRA02 (Author)
Habán, Miroslav, ; SPUFAP08 (Author)
World conference on medicinal and aromatic plants : possibilities and limitations of medicinal and aromatic plants production towards the 21st century : abstracts, Budapest 8-11th July 2001. -- Budapest : ISHS, 2001. -- S. 137
Category of Publication Activity
rastliny liečivé * rastliny ohrozené * genofond * územia chránené * Západné Karpaty