Number of the records: 1
How can food retailing benefit from neuromarketing research: the influence of traditional and innovative tools of in-store communication on consumer reactions
Title How can food retailing benefit from neuromarketing research: the influence of traditional and innovative tools of in-store communication on consumer reactions [elektronický zdroj] / Jakub Berčík, Elena Horská, Ľudmila Nagyová Author-s Berčík, Jakub, ; SPUFEM16 (Author)
Horská, Elena, ; SPUFEM16 (Author)Nagyová, Ľudmila, ; SPUFEM16 (Author) Action International conference on marketing management (17. : 28.-29.5.2015 : Tokyo, Japansko) Notes Popis urobený 4.12.2015 . Spôsob prístupu: World Wide Web In International journal of economics and management engineering [online]. -- ISSN 2226-7344. -- Vol. 2, no. 5 (2015), [1] s., online Category of Publication Activity AFE Subject-s marketing predaj kúpa obchod zákazníci marketingová komunikácia Country Netherlands Language English URL Database Publications of staff - Slovak Univ. of Agric. Nitra
Number of the records: 1