Number of the records: 1
proteínfosfatáza 2C
Subject h. proteínfosfatáza 2C Subject h. Protein Phosphatase 2C Entry terms proteín fosfatáza 2C
magnézium-dependentná proteínfosfatáza 2C beta
PPM1 proteín fosfatázy
Ptc2 fosfatázaScope note in English One of four major classes of mammalian serine/threonine specific protein phosphatases. Protein phosphatase 2C is a monomeric enzyme about 42 kDa in size. It shows broad substrate specificity dependent on divalent cations (mainly manganese and magnesium). Three isozymes are known in mammals: PP2C -alpha, -beta and -gamma. In yeast, there are four PP2C homologues: phosphatase PTC1 that have weak tyrosine phosphatase activity, phosphatase PTC2, phosphatase PTC3, and PTC4. Isozymes of PP2C also occur in Arabidopsis thaliana where the kinase-associated protein phosphatase (KAPP) containing a C-terminal PP2C domain, dephosphorylates Ser/Thr receptor-like kinase RLK5. subject heading
Number of the records: 1