Afroameričan Afroameričania Američania africkí Američania afrického pôvodu černoch alebo africký Američan Američania čierni černoch americký černosi americkí
English X references
African American African-American African Americans Afro-American Afro-Americans Black Americans Blacks Negroes
Scope note in English
A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa ( classification-of-federal-data-on-race-and-ethnicity). In the United States it is used for classification of federal government data on race and ethnicity. Race and ethnicity terms are self-identified social construct and may include terms outdated and offensive in MeSH to assist users who are interested in retrieving comprehensive search results for studies such as in longitudinal studies.
(1) - BOOKS
subject heading
Number of the records: 1
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