Number of the records: 1
alfa podjednotky proteínu viažuceho GTP, Gi-Go
Subject h. alfa podjednotky proteínu viažuceho GTP, Gi-Go Subject h. GTP-Binding Protein alpha Subunits, Gi-Go Entry terms alfa subjednotky proteínu viažuceho GTP, Gi-Go
alfa podjednotky GTP-viažuceho proteínu, Gi-Go
alfa subjednotky GTP-viažuceho proteínu, Gi-Go
G-proteín, Gi-Go alfa čeľaď
G-proteín, Gi-Go alfa rodina
G-proteín inhibičný Gi
G-proteín inhibujúci GiEnglish X references G-Protein, Gi-Go alpha Family
G-Protein, Inhibitory Gi
Gi, Inhibitory G-ProteinScope note in English A family of heterotrimeric GTP-binding protein alpha subunits that were originally identified by their ability to inhibit ADENYLYL CYCLASES. Members of this family can couple to beta and gamma G-protein subunits that activate POTASSIUM CHANNELS. The Gi-Go part of the name is also spelled Gi/Go. subject heading
Number of the records: 1