Help for Search Results
Online catalogue (IPAC) help.
On page Search result the found records that fit to the entered search criteria are displayed.
If more records are found, they will be displayed on more pages in ten records on one page. The number of recors and icons for moving through pages is at the beggining and at the end of the page.
Records will be displayed and sorted according to the default setting. This setting can be changed by user (see page Advanced Search – tab Setting).
Standard offer of display formats is describing below.
What to do with search result?
To the basket
We can put all found records (whole set) or only records from this page to the basket where it is possible to perform another mass operation with them (see Basket)
The latest news (SDI)
The service SDI (Selective Dissemination of Information) can be used for regular news sending from the library catalogue according to field of interest.
The information will be sent regulary to entered e-mail address according to entered search query (e. g. Key words = ecology). The information will depend on new documents with this subject added to the library collections (see My SDI).
Edit the query
The query will be moved to page Advanced search where it is possible to add another selection criteria or limits to the query. (see Advanced Search).
The possibility to change or to add other resource - local or external or search engine (see Resources).
New query
The simple search form will be offered for entering a new query.
Operations with a record
Following operations are available for every record:
- Borrow – icon for a request or a reservation of a document is displayed only in case, when there are some holdings (e.g. it will not be display in case of articles, collective serial records etc.).
- To the basket – this function put a record to the basket.
- Permanent link – link (URL adress) for displaying this record.
- Bookmark – offer another possibilities for searching, sharing records or operations with record.
- I like it – allows to value this document.
- Digitized document - a link to a digitized work, not available on the market, that can be viewed under a licensed license online or from the library environment.
Display formats
It is possible to display search results in several formats. Formats offer is determined by library.
A display format that contains maximum of information about the document (if you are searching the catalogue) or about the author, subject heading, corporation etc. (if you are searching in the authority file). A detailed display format can contain a link to the document fulltext or to photos connected to entry. It contains a list of available holdings that you can lend. A range of information available in the detailed display format is determined by library.
A short display format contains only concise information about a document or an author, subject heading etc. There is only basic information that can help us to evaluate if you have found what you have been searching for.
There might be available an ISBD display format for getting the information about a document (if you are searching the catalogue). It is a display format created by librarians for uniform display as much information about the document as possible in a compressed way. It is usually only one sentence, where you can find the document title, information about authors, a publisher, an edition, etc. If you learn more about the format and you know how to find information in it, it is useful for preparing lists of documents e.g. (bibliographies).
It is a specialized format that displays a record in an exchange format MARC - every line displays one MARC record field.
Other possible display formats can be chosen in Display formats on the left-hand menu of the page.