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Resource: Slovak Agricultural Library (SAL) - SAL Bibliographic Database/Agrobibliography
Results total: 10  
Your query: Kód autority = "^spu_us_auth 0378863^"
  1. Evaluation of selected Miscanthus genotypes for biogas production as a possible solution of regional bioenergy = [elektronický zdroj] Hodnotenie vybraných genotypov Miscanthus na produkciu bioplynu ako možného riešenia regionálnej bioenergie / Martin Prčík ... [et al.] .
    In: Journal of Central European Agriculture. -- ISSN 1332-9049. -- Vol. 23, no. 4 (2022), s. 888-897
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: ADM
    Kategória EPCA od 2022: V3 .
  2. Plant priming changes physiological properties and lignin content in Miscanthus x giganteus [elektronický zdroj] / Hana Auer Malinská ... [et al.] .
    In: Industrial crops & products. -- ISSN 0926-6690. -- Vol. 174, December (2021), article number 114185, [ 11 s.] online
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: ADC .
  3. Production function estimation and economics of fast-growing plants cultivation for bioenergy purposes. Case study of Kolíňany [elektronický zdroj] / Martin Mariš .
    In: Mathematics in education, research and applications. -- ISSN 2453-6881. -- Vol. 6, no. 1 (2020), s. 25-30, online
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: ADF .
  4. Dependence of Weed Composition on Cultivated Plant Species and Varieties in Energy-Tree and -Grass Plantations / Alexander Fehér ... [et al.] .
    In: Agronomy-Basel. -- ISSN 2073-4395 online. -- Vol. 10, iss. 9 (2020), article number 1247 [11 s.]
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: ADC .
  5. Impact of different fertilization regimes on the biomass production of perennial grass Miscanthus x Giganteus in Slovakia / Kotrla, M., Pauková, Ž., Prčík, M. .
    In: Applied Ecology and Environmental Research. -- ISSN 1589-1623. -- Vol. 17, iss. 6 (2019), s. 15233-15244
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: ADM .
  6. Environmental and socio-economic aspect of growing Miscanthus genotypes / Marián Kotrla, Martin Prčík .
    In: Scientific papers. Management, economic engineering in agriculture and rural development. -- ISSN 2284-7995. -- Vol. 13, iss. 1 (2013), p. 201-204
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: ADM .
  7. Sustainable production of biomass through miscanthus giganteus plantation development / Jelena Milovanovic ...[et. al.] .
    In: Annals of the Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara. -- ISSN 1584-2665. -- Vol. 10, no. 1 (2012), s. 79-82
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: ADE .
  8. Miscanthus - potenciálna energetická tráva pestovaná na poľnohospodársky nevyužívaných pôdach [elektronický zdroj] = Miscanthus - potential energy grass grown on non-agricultural land / Marián Kotrla, Martin Prčík .
    In: Podnikanie v Európskej únii. Obchodné právo EÚ II / Obchodné právo EÚ [1 CD-ROM [192 s.]]. -- Nitra : Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita, 2012. -- ISBN 978-80-552-0819-0. -- S. 68-76
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: AFD .
  9. MOTSP 2011 : 3rd international scientific conference, 8-10 June 2011, Bol, Island Brac, Croatia / vedec. red. Gordana Barič, Goran Dukič . Zagreb, Croatia :  University of Zagreb , 2011 . [621 s] . ISBN 978-953-7738-10-5 .
  10. Sustainable production of biomass through Miscanthus giganteus plantation development / Jelena Milovanovic, Gordana Drazic, Jela Ikanovic, Zuzana Jureková, Snezana Rajkovic .
    In: MOTSP 2011 : 3rd international scientific conference, 8-10 June 2011, Bol, Island Brac, Croatia. -- Zagreb, Croatia : University of Zagreb, 2011. -- ISBN 978-953-7738-10-5. -- S. 440-444
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: AFC .

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