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Resource: Slovak Agricultural Library (SAL) - SAL Bibliographic Database/Agrobibliography
Results total: 24  
Your query: Kód autority = "^spu_us_auth 0407683^"
  1. Mitochondria - stimulating and antioxidant effects of slovak propolis varieties on bovine spermatozoa [elektronický zdroj] / Eva Tvrdá ... [et al.] .
    In: Oxygen. -- ISSN 2673-9801. -- Vol. 3, iss. 2 (2023), s. 179-189
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: ADE
    Kategória EPCA od 2022: V3 .
  2. The physical and chemical properties of the jujube fruits at different maturation stages [elektronický zdroj] / Fadime Begüm Tepe, Raci Ekinci, Ayten Ekinci .
    In: Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences. -- ISSN 1338-5178. -- Vol. 11, no. 4 (2022), e4370 [6] s. .
  3. Chemical changes of pumpkin seed oils and the impact on lipid stability during thermal treatment: study by ftir - spectroscopy [elektronický zdroj] / Fatos Rexhepi ... [et al.] .
    In: Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences. -- ISSN 1338-5178. -- Vol. 11, no. 6 (2022), art. no. e5839, [6] s. .
  4. Spatial analysis of the electrical conductivity of the subsoil in various production technologies / Miroslaw Zagórda ... [et al.] .
    In: Applications of Electromagnetics in Modern Engineering and Medicine, PTZE 2020 / Applications of Electromagnetics in Modern Engineering and Medicine, PTZE 2020 [[123] s.]. -- New York : Institute of electrical and electronics engineers 2020. -- ISSN 1742-6588. -- Vol. 1782, iss. 1 (2021), art. no. 012041, [6 s.]
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: AFC .
  5. Kontrola kvality akostných vín z moravskej oblasti pri rôznych spôsoboch skladovania [elektronický zdroj] = Control of quality wines from the Moravian region during its different storage conditions / Martina Fikselová ... [et al.] .
    In: Hygiena a technologie potravin - L. Lenfeldovy a Höklovy dny / Lenfeldovy a Höklovy dny [250 s.]. -- Brno : Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita, 2021. -- ISBN 978-80-7305-859-3. -- S. 105-108
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: AFC .
  6. Changes in physical and chemical properties of calcic chernozem affected by Robinia pseudoacacia and Quercus robur plantings / Vadym Gorban, Artem Huslystyi, Oleksandr Kotovych, Volodymyr Yakovenko .
    In: Ekológia. -- ISSN 1335-342X. -- Roč. 39, č. 1 (2020), s. 27-44 .
  7. Chemical properties and acceptance in the biscuit formula of Belitung taro (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) with addition of ant nest tubers (Hydnophytum formicarum) plant [elektronický zdroj] / Anjar Briliannita, La Supu .
    In: Potravinárstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences. -- ISSN 1337-0960. -- Vol 14, no. 1 (2020), s. .
  8. Effects of dehydration on the physiochemical characteristics of tomato, onion and pepper powder culinary blends [elektronický zdroj] / A.F. Ogori, Julius Amove, J.A Adoba, Lukáš Hleba, Miroslava Císarová, Alexey Glinushkin, Alexey Laishevtcev, Anna Derkanosova, Igor Pigorev, Sergey Plygun, Mohammad Ali Shariati .
    In: Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences. -- ISSN 1338-5178. -- Vol. 9, no. 5 (2020), s. 994-997, online
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: ADN .
  9. Fyzikálno-chemická analýza čerstvého, marinovaného a grilovaného hydinového mäsa [elektronický zdroj] = Physico-chemical analysis of fresh marinated and grilled poultry meat / Lucia Zeleňáková, Anna Kolesárová, Mária Angelovičová .
    In: Výživa - človek - zdravie 2019 [online (259 s.)]. -- Nitra : Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita, 2019. -- ISBN 978-80-552-2073-4. -- S. 251-259
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: AED .
  10. Selected physical and chemical properties if Edam cheeses [elektronický zdroj] / Silvia Jakabová, Jozef Čurlej, Jozef Golian .
    In: Hygiena alimentorum XL / Hygiena Alimentorum [710 s.]. -- Košice : Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva a farmácie v Košiciach, 2019. -- ISBN 978-80-8077-620-6. -- S. 362-370
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: AFD .

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