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Resource: Slovak Agricultural Library (SAL) - SAL Authorities
Results total: 6  
Your query: Author Sysno/Doc.kind = "^spu_us_auth 0252048 t150h^"
  1. Topical termpozemková politika
    Other termland policy
    politika pozemková
    See also pozemky (g)
    pozemkové vlastníctvo (n)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (2) Catalogue documents - Knihy
    (5) Catalogue documents - Záverečné práce
    (1) Bibliografia - Agri-bibliography
    subject heading

    subject heading

  2. Topical termpozemkové knihy
    Other termland records
    land registers
    knihy pozemkové
    See also pozemkové právo (n)
    evidencia nehnuteľností (n)
    pozemkový kataster (n)
    pozemkové vlastníctvo (n)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (1) Catalogue documents - Knihy
    (11) Catalogue documents - Záverečné práce
    (3) Bibliografia - Agri-bibliography
    subject heading

    subject heading

  3. Topical termpozemkové právo
    Other termreal property law
    land rights
    právo pozemkové
    See also pozemkové vlastníctvo (n)
    pozemky (n)
    právo (g)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (8) Authority database - Personal names and family names file - approved
    (1) Authority database - Personal names and family names file - proposals
    (2) Authority database - Subject terms file - approved
    (5) Catalogue documents - xask
    (12) Catalogue documents - Knihy
    (13) Catalogue documents - Záverečné práce
    (16) Bibliografia - Agri-bibliography
    subject heading

    subject heading

  4. Topical termpozemkový kataster
    Other termland cadastres
    kataster pozemkový
    See also kataster nehnuteľností (g)
    pozemkové vlastníctvo (n)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (1) Authority database - Personal names and family names file - proposals
    (1) Authority database - Subject terms file - approved
    (20) Catalogue documents - Záverečné práce
    (1) Bibliografia - Publications of staff - Slovak Univ. of Agric. Nitra
    (8) Bibliografia - Agri-bibliography
    subject heading

    subject heading

  5. Topical termpozemky
    Other termlands
    See also pôda (n)
    pozemkové vlastníctvo (n)
    pozemkové právo (n)
    trhy s pôdou (n)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (10) Authority database - Subject terms file - approved
    (2) Authority database - Subject terms file - proposals
    (1) Catalogue documents - xask
    (15) Catalogue documents - Knihy
    (27) Catalogue documents - Záverečné práce
    (9) Catalogue documents - xonl
    (1) Bibliografia - Články
    (2) Bibliografia - Publications of staff - Slovak Univ. of Agric. Nitra
    (66) Bibliografia - Agri-bibliography
    subject heading

    subject heading

  6. Topical termrozdrobenosť pozemkového vlastníctva
    Other termland ownership fragmentation
    fragmentation of land ownership
    fragmentácia pozemkov
    fragmentácia spoluvlastníckych podielov
    rozdrobenosť pozemkového fondu
    See also pozemkové vlastníctvo (g)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (3) Catalogue documents - Záverečné práce
    (2) Catalogue documents - xonl
    (4) Bibliografia - Agri-bibliography
    subject heading

    subject heading

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