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Resource: Slovak Agricultural Library (SAL) - SAL Authorities
Results total: 10  
Your query: Author Sysno/Doc.kind = "^spu_us_auth 0252484 t150h^"
  1. Topical termantropomotorika
    Other termanthropomotorics
    kineziológia človeka
    See also fyziológia človeka (g)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (10) Authority database - Personal names and family names file - approved
    (6) Catalogue documents - Knihy
    (1) Catalogue documents - xxxx
    (1) Bibliografia - Články
    subject heading

    subject heading

  2. Topical termfyziológia práce
    Other termwork physiology
    See also fyziológia človeka (g)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (2) Catalogue documents - Normy
    (1) Bibliografia - Agri-bibliography
    subject heading

    subject heading

  3. Topical termkrvný tlak
    Other termblood pressure
    tlak krvi
    See also fyziológia človeka (g)
    kardiovaskulárny systém (n)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (2) Authority database - Subject terms file - approved
    (10) Catalogue documents - Záverečné práce
    (2) Catalogue documents - xonl
    (1) Bibliografia - Články
    (5) Bibliografia - Agri-bibliography
    subject heading

    subject heading

  4. Topical termlekárska fyziológia
    Other termmedical physiology
    fyziológia lekárska
    See also fyziológia človeka (g)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (2) Authority database - Personal names and family names file - approved
    (1) Authority database - Personal names and family names file - proposals
    (7) Catalogue documents - Knihy
    (2) Bibliografia - Agri-bibliography
    subject heading

    subject heading

  5. Topical termľudské telo
    Other termhuman body
    telo ľudské
    See also anatómia človeka (n)
    fyziológia človeka (n)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (4) Authority database - Subject terms file - approved
    (2) Authority database - Subject terms file - proposals
    (21) Catalogue documents - Normy
    (2) Catalogue documents - xask
    (15) Catalogue documents - Knihy
    (8) Catalogue documents - Záverečné práce
    (8) Catalogue documents - xxxx
    (1) Bibliografia - Články
    (2) Bibliografia - Publications of staff - Slovak Univ. of Agric. Nitra
    (15) Bibliografia - Agri-bibliography
    subject heading

    subject heading

  6. Topical termmenštruačný cyklus
    Other termmenstrual cycle
    cyklus menštruačný
    See also fyziológia človeka (g)
    klimaktérium (n)
    ovulácia (n)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (1) Catalogue documents - xonl
    (1) Catalogue documents - xxxx
    (4) Bibliografia - Agri-bibliography
    subject heading

    subject heading

  7. Topical termmetabolizmus ľudí
    Other termhuman metabolism
    metabolizmus človeka
    látková premena
    látková výmena
    See also fyziológia človeka (g)
    metabolizmus (g)
    výživa ľudí (n)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (2) Catalogue documents - xask
    (14) Catalogue documents - Knihy
    (41) Catalogue documents - Záverečné práce
    (1) Catalogue documents - Časopisy
    (1) Bibliografia - Články
    (3) Bibliografia - Publications of staff - Slovak Univ. of Agric. Nitra
    (10) Bibliografia - Agri-bibliography
    subject heading

    subject heading

  8. Topical termneurofyziológia
    Other termneurophysiology
    fyziológia nervového systému
    See also fyziológia človeka (g)
    fyziológia zvierat (g)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (1) Authority database - Personal names and family names file - approved
    (2) Authority database - Personal names and family names file - proposals
    (1) Authority database - Subject terms file - proposals
    (4) Catalogue documents - Knihy
    (3) Catalogue documents - xxxx
    (1) Bibliografia - Agri-bibliography
    subject heading

    subject heading

  9. Topical termovulácia
    Other termovulation
    See also rozmnožovanie (biológia) (g)
    fyziológia človeka (g)
    fyziológia zvierat (g)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (1) Authority database - Subject terms file - approved
    (2) Catalogue documents - xask
    (1) Catalogue documents - Knihy
    (3) Catalogue documents - Záverečné práce
    (42) Bibliografia - Agri-bibliography
    subject heading

    subject heading

  10. Topical termtelesné zloženie
    Other termbody composition
    zloženie telesné
    stavba tela
    telesná kompozícia
    kompozícia telesna
    See also anatómia človeka (g)
    antropometria (g)
    fyziológia človeka (g)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (3) Authority database - Subject terms file - proposals
    (1) Catalogue documents - Knihy
    (22) Catalogue documents - Záverečné práce
    (6) Catalogue documents - xonl
    (2) Bibliografia - Publications of staff - Slovak Univ. of Agric. Nitra
    (31) Bibliografia - Agri-bibliography
    subject heading

    subject heading

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