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Resource: Slovak Agricultural Library (SAL) - SAL Authorities
Results total: 35  
Your query: Author Sysno/Doc.kind = "^spu_us_auth 0340989 t150h^"
  1. Topical termaerobiológia
    Other termaerobiology
    biológia atmosféry
    biológia ovzdušia
    See also biológia (g)
    alergológia (n)
    fenológia (n)
    palynológia (n)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (1) Catalogue documents - Záverečné práce
    subject heading

    subject heading

  2. Topical termagrobiológia
    Other termagrobiology
    See also biológia (g)
    poľnohospodárstvo (g)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (14) Authority database - Personal names and family names file - approved
    (2) Authority database - Personal names and family names file - proposals
    (6) Catalogue documents - xask
    (23) Catalogue documents - Knihy
    (2) Catalogue documents - Záverečné práce
    (5) Catalogue documents - xonl
    (3) Catalogue documents - Časopisy
    (5) Catalogue documents - Periodiká - zviazané ročníky
    (1) Bibliografia - Publications of staff - Slovak Univ. of Agric. Nitra
    (17) Bibliografia - Agri-bibliography
    subject heading

    subject heading

  3. Topical termanatómia
    Other termanatomy
    See also biológia (g)
    morfológia (biológia) (n)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (18) Authority database - Personal names and family names file - approved
    (2) Authority database - Personal names and family names file - proposals
    (10) Authority database - Subject terms file - approved
    (2) Catalogue documents - Knihy
    (22) Catalogue documents - Záverečné práce
    (10) Bibliografia - Agri-bibliography
    subject heading

    subject heading

  4. Topical termaplikovaná biológia
    Other termapplied biology
    biológia aplikovaná
    See also biológia (g)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (23) Authority database - Personal names and family names file - approved
    (56) Authority database - Personal names and family names file - proposals
    (1) Catalogue documents - xask
    (26) Catalogue documents - Knihy
    (2) Bibliografia - Publications of staff - Slovak Univ. of Agric. Nitra
    (20) Bibliografia - Agri-bibliography
    subject heading

    subject heading

  5. Topical termbiogeografia
    Other termbiogeography
    See also geografia (g)
    biológia (g)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (3) Authority database - Personal names and family names file - approved
    (2) Authority database - Subject terms file - approved
    (1) Catalogue documents - xask
    (6) Catalogue documents - Knihy
    (13) Catalogue documents - Záverečné práce
    (3) Bibliografia - Agri-bibliography
    subject heading

    subject heading

  6. Topical termbioinformatika
    Other termbioinformatics
    See also informatika (g)
    biológia (n)
    biotechnológie (n)
    genetika (n)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (14) Authority database - Personal names and family names file - approved
    (1) Authority database - Subject terms file - proposals
    (8) Catalogue documents - xask
    (5) Catalogue documents - Knihy
    (14) Catalogue documents - Záverečné práce
    (2) Catalogue documents - xonl
    (1) Bibliografia - Publications of staff - Slovak Univ. of Agric. Nitra
    (20) Bibliografia - Agri-bibliography
    subject heading

    subject heading

  7. Topical termbiológia človeka
    Other termhuman biology
    See also biológia (g)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (2) Authority database - Personal names and family names file - approved
    (2) Authority database - Personal names and family names file - proposals
    (4) Authority database - Subject terms file - approved
    (3) Catalogue documents - Knihy
    subject heading

    subject heading

  8. Topical termbiologická olympiáda
    Other termbiological competitions
    olympiáda biologická
    biologické olympiády
    olympiády biologické
    See also biológia (n)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (5) Bibliografia - Agri-bibliography
    subject heading

    subject heading

  9. Topical termbiologická systematika
    Other termbiological systematics
    biologická klasifikácia
    klasifikácia biologická
    systematická biológia
    biológia systematická
    biologická taxonómia
    See also biológia (g)
    systematická botanika (n)
    systematická zoológia (n)
    systematická mikrobiológia (n)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (1) Authority database - Personal names and family names file - approved
    (2) Catalogue documents - xask
    (1) Catalogue documents - Knihy
    (3) Catalogue documents - Záverečné práce
    (8) Bibliografia - Agri-bibliography
    subject heading

    subject heading

  10. Topical termbiologická technika
    Other termbiological technique
    technika biologická
    biologické techniky
    techniky biologické
    See also biológia (g)
    Collection kindt150h - Subject terms file - approved
    References (9) Authority database - Subject terms file - approved
    (2) Catalogue documents - xask
    (1) Catalogue documents - Knihy
    (2) Catalogue documents - Záverečné práce
    (2) Bibliografia - Agri-bibliography
    subject heading

    subject heading

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