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Resource: Slovak Agricultural Library (SAL) - SAL Bibliographic Database/Agrobibliography
Results total: 108  
Your query: Author Sysno/Doc.kind = "^spu_us_auth 0014321 xxagb^"
  1. Comparison of Selected Indicators of Higher Education Financing in Slovakia in Disruptive Times / Dana Országhová, Mária Farkašová .
    In: EMAN 2023 - economics and management. How to cope with disrupted times [111 s.]. -- Belehrad : Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, 2023. -- ISBN 978-86-80194-71-4. -- ISSN 2683-4510. -- S. 68
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: AFG
    Kategória EPCA od 2022: V2 .
  2. Comparison of Selected Indicators of Higher Education Financing in Slovakia in Disruptive Times [elektronický zdroj] / Dana Országhová, Mária Farkašová .
    In: EMAN 2023 - economics and management. How to cope with disrupted times [426]. -- Belehrad : Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, 2023. -- ISBN 978-86-80194-69-1. -- ISSN 2683-4510. -- S. 189-196
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: AFC
    Kategória EPCA od 2022: V2 .
  3. Evaluation of localization factors for allocation of selected Slovak enterprises [elektronický zdroj] / Mária Farkašová, Dana Országhová .
    In: ERAZ 2022 / ERAZ 2022 [358 s.]. -- Belehrad : Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, 2023. -- ISBN 978-86-80194-60-8. -- ISSN 2683-5568. -- S. 43-50
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: AFC
    Kategória EPCA od 2022: V2 .
  4. Development of consumption and prices of selected types of meat on the Slovak market in the decade 2012 – 2021 [elektronický zdroj] / Mária Farkašová, Dana Országhová .
    In: Journal of Central European Agriculture. -- ISSN 1332-9049. -- Vol. 24, no. 1 (2023), s. 570-578
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: ADM
    Kategória EPCA od 2022: V3 .
  5. Slovakia's Self-sufficiency in selected food products [elektronický zdroj] / Mária Farkašová, Dana Országhová .
    In: Sustainable, Resilient and Fair Food Systems in the EU and Globally / Sustainable, Resilient and Fair Food Systems in the EU and Globally [168 s.]. -- Nitra : Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita, 2022. -- ISBN 978-80-552-2557-9. -- S. 29-36
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: AFD
    Kategória EPCA od 2022: V2 .
  6. Impact of Pandemic on Tourism in Slovakia [elektronický zdroj] / Mária Farkašová, Radomíra Hornyák Gregáňová, Dana Országhová .
    In: ITEMA 2021 / ITEMA 2021 [105 s.]. -- Belehrad : Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, 2022. -- ISBN 978-86-80194-50-9. -- S. 11-17
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: AFC
    Kategória EPCA od 2022: V2 .
  7. Digitálne edukačné aplikácie v matematike = Digital educational applications in mathematics / Dana Országhová ... [et al.] . [S.l. :  s.n.] , 2021 . 14 s
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: AGI .
  8. Digital methods of education and the level of students’ knowledge in mathematics [elektronický zdroj] / Vladimír Matušek ... [et al.] .
    In: Knowledge based sustainable development / International scientific conference ERAZ 2021 [154 s.]. -- Belehrad : Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, 2021. -- ISBN 978-86-80194-47-9. -- ISSN 2683-5568. -- S. 129-135
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: AFC
    Kategória EPCA od 2022: V2 .
  9. Evaluation of university students mathematics knowledge in linear algebra [elektronický zdroj] / Dana Országhová ... [et al.] .
    In: International Scientific Days 2020 / International Scientific Days 2020 [647 s.]. -- Gödöllö : Szent István University, 2020. -- ISBN 978-963-269-918-9. -- S. 497-505
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: AFD .
  10. Matematika s aplikáciami. 3. časť / / Dana Országhová a kolektív . Nitra :  Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita , 2019 . 209 s . ISBN 978-80-552-2046-8
    Kategória EPCA do 2021: ACB .

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