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Zdroj: SlPK - Bibliografická databáza
Nájdených záznamov: 101  
Váš dotaz: Autor-kód záznamu + druh.dok = "^spu_us_auth 0340934 xkni^"
  1. Economic science for rural development : proceedings of the 21th international scientific conference, 12-15 May 2020, Jelgava 54, / editor Anita Auzina ; reviewers Gunta Grinberga-Zalite . Jelgava :  Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Ekonomikas fakultāte , 2020 . 279 s . ISBN 978-9984-48-345-0 . ISSN 2255-9930 .
  2. Economic science for rural development : proceedings of the 20th international scientific conference, 9-10 May 2019, Jelgava. 51, Integrated and sustainable regional development. Marketing and sustainable consumption / / editor Anita Auzina ; reviewers Simona Zvirgzdina . Jelgava :  Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Ekonomikas fakultāte , 2019 . 378 s . ISBN 978-9984-48-321-4 . ISSN 1691-3078 .
  3. Economic science for rural development : proceedings of the international scientific conference, 24. april 2017, Jelgava. 45, Integrated and sustainable regional development. Marketing and sustainable consumption / / editor Anita Auzina ; reviewers Simona Zvirgzdina . Jelgava :  Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Ekonomikas fakultāte , 2017 . 374 s . ISBN 978-9984-48-261-3 . ISSN 1691-3078
    http://www.esaf.llu.lv/sites/esaf/files/files/lapas/Krajums_Nr_45_13042017.pdf .
  4. Scientia Iuventa 2017 : zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej doktorandskej konferencie, 20.apríl 2017 Banská Bystrica / editori Martin Kiaba ; recenzenti Jaroslav Ďaďo ... [et al.] . Banská Bystrica :  Vydavateľstvo Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici – Belianum , 2017 . CD-ROM (484 s) . ISBN 978-80-557-1260-4 .
  5. ICABR 2016 [elektronický zdroj] : XI. international conference on applied business research, proceedings, September 5 - September 9, 2016 . Bankok :  Kasetsart University , 2016 . online (617 s) . ISBN 978-616-278-346-3
    http://www.kimba.ku.ac.th/icabr2016/fullpapers/icabr2016.pdf .
  6. CER Comparative European research [elektronický zdroj] : 6th biannual international scientific conference for Ph.D. students of EU countries, October 24-27, 2016, London / reviewers Henryk Mizerek, Martin Mihaljevič . London :  Sciemcee Publishing , 2016 . 1 CD-ROM (210 s) . ISBN 978-0-9935191-3-0 .
  7. Scientia Iuventa 2016 : zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej doktorandskej konferencie, 21.apríl 2016 Banská Bystrica / editori Peter Hronček, Daša Václavíková, Martin Kiaba ; recenzenti Jaroslav Ďaďo, Marian Gúčik, Gabriela Korimová, Helena Kuvíková ... [et al.] . Banská Bystrica :  Vydavateľstvo Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici – Belianum , 2016 . CD-ROM (645 s) . ISBN 978-80-557-1084-6 .
  8. Quantitative methods in economics : multiple criteria decision making XVIII / technical editor Marian Reiff . Bratislava :  Letra interactive , 2016 . 425 s . ISBN 978-80-972328-0-1 .
  9. Economic science for rural development : proceedings of the international scientific conference, 21.-22. april 2016, Jelgava. 43 New dimensions in the development of society. Marketing and sustainable consumption. Finance and taxes / / editor Anita Auzina ; reviewers Gunita Mazure, Simona Zvirgzdina . Jelgava :  Latvijas Lauksaimniecibas universitate. Ekonomikas fakultate , 2016 . 372 s . ISBN 978-9984-48-225-5 . ISSN 1691-3078 .
  10. Mathematical methods in economics 2015 [elektronický zdroj] : 33rd international conference, Jihlava, Czech Republic 9.-11.9.2015 / recenzent David Martinčík . Jihlava :  Vysoká škola polytechnická , 2015 . 1 CD-ROM (953 s) . ISBN 978-80-261-0539-8
    http://mme2015.zcu.cz/downloads/MME_2015_proceedings.pdf .

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